- SOUTH BRISTOLacrylic and oil on wood 16 x 20 inches Kayla MohammadiELLIOTT’S PLACEoil on panel 11 3/4 x 19 inchesBISONgranite 15 x 5 x 11 inches Lise BecuMAY’S MAGICacrylic on canvas 18 x 24 inches Jenifer Mumford5 members of the Tribehardwood 12 - 20 inches offset spindle turnedCHUBBY IS THE NEW SKINNYoil on canvas 14 x 14 inches Kayla MohammadiICING OVERacrylic on canvas 18 x 18 inches Jenifer MumfordMembers of the Tribehardwood 12 - 20 inches offset spindle turnedAFRICAN MASKacrylic and oil on canvas 47 1/2 x 72 1/2 inches Kayla MohammadiJULY DAY. 2011acrylic on canvas 12 x 12 inches Jeniford MumfordMembers of the Tribe2011 hardwood 12 - 20 inches offset spindle turnedBLUE AND WHITE INTERIOR Iacrylic on paper 12 x 15 1/2 inches Kayla MohammadiAUTUMN QUARRYacrylic on canvas 18 x 18 inches Jenifer MumfordCITYSCAPEoil on wood 12 x 16 inchesTUNNEL RT 94oil on panel 5 1/2 x 14 inches Lois DoddFISHgranite 23 x 15 x 5 inches Lise BecuNUDE & BRIDGE 2010oil on panel 16 1/8 x 11 7/8 inches Lois DoddLIONmetamorphic stone 29 x 13 1/2 x 11 inches Lise Becuoil on panel 15 7/8 x 12 1/8 inches Lois DoddWHITE SHEET BLOWING